Developed in conjunction with


I. School Rules for Students

A. Preparing for School

1. Students are expected to have a textbook, workbook, notebook and other items such as pencils and eraser ready and packed to be taken to school.
2. Students must check and ensure that all homework and/or other assigned tasks have been completed prior to coming back to school the following week.
3. Students must also study and be ready for a test or quiz as assigned prior to coming back to school the following week.
4. Students are prohibited from bringing a large amount of cash, dangerous weapons such as knives, guns and explosives and other substances such as tobacco and drugs to school.
5. Students must be dressed and groomed appropriately for school.

B. Attendance and Dismissal

1. All students must arrive at school and be in the class room on time for the first bell. Class/lesson starts at 8:30 a.m.
2. After the last class ends at 12:00 noon, do not run out to the parking lot. Please pay attention to oncoming cars.

C. While at School

1. When the beginning bell rings, students must immediately return to the classroom and be seated. However, do not run in the hallways and keep an inside voice when entering the classroom.
2. After the class starts, students are expected to take their seats.
3. Students are expected to be respectful to their teachers and others.
4. Students must raise their hand to receive the teacher’s permission before speaking.
5. Students are not permitted to: wear a hat/cap, to place their leg/legs on the desk, or use earphones/headphones or cell phones during school.
6. During class, students may not eat, drink or chew gum. Students may however, eat snacks outside the classroom during recess.
7. Students are expected to keep the classrooms clean. Paper scraps and other items no longer needed must be placed in a waste basket. Do not scribble on desks and walls. Return any desks or chairs that are moved to the former location. Inform the teacher if and when a desk, chair or any items are damaged.
8. Ask the teacher if you have anything you do not understand or talk to the teacher if you have anything that bothers you in the classroom.
9. Let’s keep the restrooms clean. Put used paper towels into the waste basket.
10. Do not step into the Japanese garden. Do not climb trees or walls on the school ground.
11. Students are not allowed to go out of the school ground without the teacher’s permission.

II. Guide for Parents and Guardians

The school asks that the parents/guardians share with their children a strong interest in all matters related to the child’s study of Japanese language and his/her attendance to Japanese school. Parents are asked to provide the students with the environment at home that is conducive to learning the Japanese language and culture.

A. Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

1. For the safety of the children, parents are responsible for bringing the students to school on time for the first class and taking the students home immediately after school is over.
2. When parents plan to take a student out of class early, the parents are asked to come to the student’s classroom. The student should not be left alone in the parking lot.
3. In the event of an emergency and the parents are unable to pick-up their child immediately after school, they must contact the school in advance. If the child is not picked up by 12:30 p.m., we will call the contact person on the emergency form.

B. Absence, Tardiness and Leaving the School Early

If a student has to be absent, tardy, or plans to leave the school earl, parents must notify the school by phone or in writing. When leaving school early, please try to arrange the pick-up time during recess so that the class will not be disturbed.

C. Show an Interest in School Work by Talking to Students

1. Parents are encouraged to talk to students about their homework and other assignments.
2. Please make sure your child’s text books, workbooks, sharpened pencils, etc. are in their Japanese school bag.
3. Parents are asked to read school notices the students bring home and, if requested, respond to school in a timely manner.

D. Dress Code and Safety

It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure their children dress appropriately and insure that they do not bring items that are not related to school work such as toys, radios, dangerous weapons and drugs to class.


1. Every year the parents are asked to complete and sign the Emergency Medical Consent form for each child at the beginning of the school year. The form is used in the event of an emergency. It is the school policy to always try to contact the parents/guardians first.
2. Inform the school of any changes in address or telephone number.
3. Parents are welcome to contact the school or teachers with any questions or concerns. Teachers are usually available before and after school.
4. If a student damages the school equipment/property of the property of others, his/her parents/guardians are liable to repair or replace the damaged property. Please talk to you children and help him/her to understand that he/she is responsible for the consequences created by their own action.

F. Payment of Tuition

The tuition is to be paid for the entire year despite frequent or multiple consecutive absences.
Please pay the tuition at the beginning of each trimester (or monthly).

G. Leave of Absence or Withdrawing from School

Please notify the school as soon as possible when your child is unable to attend school for a lengthy period or withdraws from school.


*Questions regarding the above rules may be directed to the Japanese School Office.
Thank you for adhering to the school ruled noted above.